Re-index - Easily Repair Transaction Inquiry Corruption

Transactions > Re-Index

The user should note that the Sapphire Tools menu from Query by Formula, through to Custom List Report has the same tools on it throughout SapphireOne when any list is being displayed. These are referred to as Common tools.

Re-Index Overview

The Sapphire Re-index tool is used when a corruption in your transaction inquiry is assessed by the user. This corruption can be caused by a number of different factors. The most common causes of index corruption are:

If an index becomes damaged within your data file this can be evident in multiple ways such as unbalanced records or reports and records becoming difficult to locate. This also forms part of your month end procedure.

Re-index should only be done in Sapphire Single User mode. SapphireOne will display an alert warning the user of this before proceeding. A second alert will advise of the importance of allowing the process to complete unhindered.

Re-Indexing may alternately be performed by shutting SapphireOne down and deleting the Index file that resides with the 4DD file. When SapphireOne is re-started, it will re-build the index file which in the case of very large data files will take some time!

This Re-Index tool is found on all tools menus in SapphireOne.

  • Process termination – Commonly referred to as a server crash . Can be caused by a hard drive or memory failure or power outage. Where there is no uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Alternatively if a server stops unexpectedly or is forcibly stopped.
  • Storage Failures – This can occur when a server drive runs out of storage space or alternatively a drive fails.
  • Random Access Memory (RAM) failure – Typically rare.

Re-Index will delete the existing indexes from your data file and will create new indexes. 

It is recommended that you run Re-Index All as part of your month end procedure.

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