Modes Menu - Master your organisation's operations with SapphireOne's Eight Powerful Modes

SapphireOne comprises eight primary modes which are accessible from the Sapphire Toolbar Mode menu, each mode addresses a specific aspect of an organisations operations and provides a suite of functionality and tools tailored to your organisations unique requirements. These modes are outlined to follow.


SapphireOne’s Accounts mode provides a comprehensive suite of financial management and accounting tools, designed to ensure efficient and accurate handling of an organisation’s financial data. This mode covers a range of essential modules, empowering users to manage and maintain all aspects of their financial operations, including Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Accounts History.

The Accounts Receivable module simplifies the process of tracking and managing incoming transactions, such as client invoicing, receipts and credit management. This ensures timely invoicing and revenue collection, while mitigating the potential of late payments.

The Accounts Payable module streamlines the monitoring and processing of outgoing transactions, including supplier invoices, expense management, and payment scheduling. This module helps organisation’s maintain healthy cash flow and optimise working capital.

The General Ledger module serves as a centralised location for managing an organisation’s financial transactions, chart of accounts, bank reconciliations and financial reporting. It provides real-time insights into the company’s financial health, enabling users to make informed decisions and maintain control over their financial performance.

Additionally, the Accounts mode ensures compliance with accounting standards and regulations, such as GAAP and IFRS, through its built-in features and automated processes. It helps organisations maintain accurate financial records and minimise the risk of errors or discrepancies.

In summary, SapphireOne’s Accounts mode offers a robust and user-friendly platform for organisations to seamlessly manage their financial operations. By providing a comprehensive range of tools for managing receivables, payables, and general accounting, this mode enables businesses to focus on growth while maintaining financial stability and compliance.


SapphireOne’s Inventory mode is a comprehensive module designed to streamline and manage various aspects of an organisation’s supply chain operations. This mode optimises inventory levels, enhances sales and purchasing processes, and efficiently manages product distribution. By offering a suite of tailored tools, SapphireOne’s Inventory mode helps organisation’s improve overall operational efficiency and profitability.

The Inventory mode consists of several key modules that cater to different aspects of inventory management: Sales, Purchases, Inventory, Manager, Point of Sale (POS), and Inventory History.

Inventory Control serves as the central hub for managing product stocks, maintaining accurate records of inventory levels, and tracking item movement across different locations. It also provides robust tools for managing inventory pricing, categorisation, and warehouse organisation.

The Sales module simplifies sales processes by managing quote client invoices, order client invoices, sales client invoices, sales client credit, and client information. It also generates quotes and processes sales orders and invoices.

The Purchases module streamlines the procurement process by automating requisition vendor invoices, order vendor invoices, purchase inwards goods journal, purchase vendor invoices, and purchase vendor credit.

The Point of Sale (POS) module integrates seamlessly with the inventory system, offering real-time updates on stock levels and sales data. It caters to various retail and service industries, supports multiple payment options, and provides comprehensive reporting capabilities.

The Warehouse Management module enables efficient organisation and tracking of inventory within warehouses and other locations, with features such as bin location management, serial batch tracking, stock transfers, and stocktakes.

In summary, SapphireOne’s Inventory mode offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for organisation’s to effectively manage their supply chain operations. This contributes to streamlined processes, cost savings, and improved client satisfaction.

Job Projects

SapphireOne’s Job Projects mode is an integrated module designed to help organisation’s manage project-based tasks efficiently and effectively. This comprehensive suite of tools covers job project management and costing, enabling organisation’s to monitor progress, allocate resources, control budgets, and maintain profitability throughout a project’s lifecycle.

The Job Projects mode consists of several key modules: costs, resources, inventory, job projects, and job projects history.

The Costs module, which includes order vendor invoice, purchase inwards goods journal, purchase vendor invoice, and purchase vendor credit, is essential for managing budgets and tracking expenses associated with each job project.

The Resources module, encompassing resource time sheet, job project time sheet, and open time sheet, defines tasks, milestones, and deadlines while monitoring resource availability.

The Inventory module, featuring inventory allocation journal, helps allocate resources efficiently, prevent overruns, and track labour and resources in real-time. Additionally, it offers bill of materials tracking and reporting, providing a holistic view of a job project’s status for improved decision-making and outcomes.

The Job Projects module allows users to create, plan, and monitor job projects, including job project client invoice and job project client credit. It offers a clear overview of project timelines, resource allocation, and progress, ensuring projects stay on track and within budget. This module also enables accurate cost estimation, billing rate setting, and detailed financial report generation for analysing job project profitability.

Lastly, the Reporting module provides customisable reports and data visualisations, empowering job project managers to evaluate job project performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

In summary, SapphireOne’s Job Projects mode offers a robust and user-friendly platform for managing job project-based operations effectively. By combining job project management and costing features, this mode helps organisation’s maintain control over their job projects, optimise resource utilisation, and maximise profitability.


SapphireOne’s Assets mode is a specialised module designed to help organisation’s effectively manage their fixed assets. This mode provides a comprehensive suite of tools to track, depreciate, and maintain assets, ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance with accounting standards. By offering a centralised platform for asset management.

SapphireOne’s Assets mode enables organisation’s to optimise the usage of their resources and make informed decisions about acquisitions and disposals.

The Assets mode comprises several key modules, including Asset Register, Asset Depreciation, Asset Maintenance, and Reporting. These modules work together to provide a complete view of an organisation’s fixed assets and their associated costs.

The Asset Register module serves as the central repository for all asset-related information, including acquisition details, location, cost, and current value. It allows users to create, update, and categorise assets, streamlining the process of managing asset records.

Asset Depreciation module automates the calculation of depreciation for each asset based on the chosen depreciation method and schedules. This module ensures that depreciation expenses are accurately recorded and reported in the organisation’s financial statements.

Asset Maintenance module helps manage and track the maintenance, repair, and replacement of assets. Users can schedule preventive maintenance tasks, monitor service history, and track warranty information, ensuring that assets remain in optimal working condition.

The Reporting module provides customisable reports and data visualisations, enabling organisation’s to analyse asset performance, monitor depreciation schedules, and evaluate asset-related expenses.

In summary, SapphireOne’s Assets mode offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for organisation’s to manage their fixed assets effectively. By integrating asset tracking, depreciation, and maintenance functionalities, this mode helps organisation’s maintain accurate financial records, optimise resource utilisation, and make informed decisions about their assets.


SapphireOne’s Payroll/HR mode is a dedicated module designed to streamline and simplify payroll processing and human resources (HR) management for organisation’s. This mode offers a comprehensive suite of tools that automate payroll calculations, manage employee data, and ensure compliance with relevant tax and labour regulations. By providing a centralised platform for managing payroll and HR tasks, SapphireOne’s Payroll/HR mode enables organisation’s to focus on their core operations while ensuring accurate and timely employee compensation.

The Payroll/HR mode comprises several key modules, including Payroll Processing, Tax Calculations, Employee Management, Benefits Administration, and Reporting. These modules work together to provide a seamless and efficient payroll and HR experience.

Payroll Processing module automates the calculation of employee wages, overtime, bonuses, and deductions based on user-defined rules and policies. It also handles the generation of pay slips and payroll reports, ensuring timely and accurate compensation.

Tax Calculations module automates the computation of various taxes, including income tax, social security, and other statutory deductions. This module ensures compliance with relevant tax regulations and reduces the risk of errors in tax reporting.

Employee Management module serves as the central repository for all employee-related information, such as personal details, employment history, and performance records. It streamlines the process of managing employee records, tracking leaves, and monitoring attendance.

Benefits Administration module simplifies the management of employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks. It enables organisation’s to efficiently administer benefit programs and track employee enrolment.

The Reporting module provides customisable reports and data visualisations, enabling organisation’s to analyse payroll data, monitor workforce trends, and assess the effectiveness of their HR policies.

Overall, SapphireOne’s Payroll/HR mode offers a robust and user-friendly platform for organisation’s to manage their payroll and human resources tasks effectively, ensuring accurate compensation and compliance with relevant regulations.


SapphireOne’s Management mode is a powerful module designed to provide organisation’s with essential organisation intelligence tools to monitor performance, analyse data, and make informed decisions. This mode offers a comprehensive suite of features that enable organisation’s to evaluate their operations, identify areas for improvement, and drive growth through data-driven insights.

The Management mode comprises several key modules, including Customisable Reporting, Data Analysis, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Dashboard. These modules work together to provide a holistic view of an organisation’s performance, facilitating effective decision-making and strategic planning.

Customisable Reporting module allows users to generate a wide range of financial, operational, and HR reports tailored to their specific requirements. It enables organisation’s to evaluate their performance across various dimensions, identify trends, and track progress toward organisation objectives.

Data Analysis module provides powerful tools for dissecting and interpreting data, helping users uncover hidden patterns, relationships, and anomalies. It enables organisation’s to gain valuable insights into their operations, allowing for data-driven decisions and targeted improvements.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) module allows organisation’s to track and monitor their most critical performance metrics, providing real-time updates on the organisation’s progress towards its goals. It enables users to set targets, track achievements, and identify areas where performance needs to be improved.

Dashboard module offers a visual representation of an organisation’s performance data, presenting KPIs and other metrics in an easily digestible format. It provides a snapshot of the organisation’s health, enabling managers and executives to stay informed and make timely decisions.

In summary, SapphireOne’s Management mode offers a robust and user-friendly platform for organisation’s to leverage data and organisation intelligence to drive growth and success. By providing comprehensive reporting, data analysis, and performance monitoring tools, this mode empowers organisation’s to make informed decisions and optimise their operations.


SapphireOne’s Utilities mode is a specialised module designed to support organisations in managing various administrative and system-related tasks. This mode provides a range of tools that help organisations maintain the smooth operation of their SapphireOne ERP and accounting software, ensuring data integrity, security, and performance.

The Utilities mode comprises several key modules, including System Settings, Security Management, Data Backup, Data Import/Export, and Customisation. These modules work together to provide a comprehensive set of tools for managing  SapphireOne effectively.

System Settings module allows users to configure various aspects of the SapphireOne software, such as default preferences, currency settings, and tax codes. This module ensures that the software is tailored to the organisation’s specific requirements and operates efficiently.

Security Management module enables administrators to manage user access and permissions, ensuring that sensitive data is protected, and the system is used in accordance with established policies. It allows for the creation of user groups, assignment of roles, and implementation of security measures like two-factor authentication.

Data Backup module provides tools to create, schedule, mirror, log and restore backups of the organisation’s data, safeguarding critical information against potential data loss, system crashes, or other unexpected events.

Data Import/Export module facilitates the seamless transfer of data between SapphireOne and external services, simplifying the process of integrating with third-party applications, migrating data, or sharing information with stakeholders.

Customisation module allows organisations to tailor the appearance and functionality of the SapphireOne software to suit their unique needs, enhancing user experience and streamlining workflows.

In conclusion, SapphireOne’s Utilities mode offers a robust and user-friendly platform for organisations to manage their ERP and accounting software effectively. By providing essential tools for system configuration, security, data management, and customisation, this mode ensures the smooth operation and ongoing optimisation of their SapphireOne implementation.


SapphireOne’s Workbook mode is a unique module designed to provide users with a highly customisable and flexible platform for organising, accessing, and analysing data within the SapphireOne ERP and accounting software. This mode offers a suite of powerful tools that enable users to create personalised workbooks, offering a tailored view of their organisation data and facilitating more efficient workflows.

The Workbook mode comprises several key features, including Customisable Views, Data Filters, Grouping, and Data Export. These features work together to offer a highly personalised and interactive experience when working with data in SapphireOne.

Customisable Views allow users to create and configure personalised workbooks, selecting the specific data fields, columns, and layouts that are relevant to their needs. This feature enables users to focus on the most pertinent information and streamline their daily tasks.

Data Filters provide users with the ability to refine and narrow down the data displayed in their workbooks. By applying various filter criteria, users can quickly and easily identify the data that is most relevant to their needs, improving decision-making and analysis.

Grouping feature enables users to organise and categorise their data in meaningful ways, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and relationships. This feature enhances the readability and interpretation of data, facilitating better insights and understanding.

Data Export functionality allows users to extract and share data from their workbooks in various formats, such as Excel, PDF, or CSV. This feature simplifies the process of sharing information with team members, external stakeholders, or integrating data with other systems. General module provides a unique set of inquiries that include contacts actions, digital media and document management, tracking notes, mail book, phone logging, Visitors book, calendar and PDF capture.

In summary, SapphireOne’s Workbook mode offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for organisation’s to create personalised and interactive workspaces within their ERP and accounting software. By providing flexible tools for organising, filtering, and analysing data, this mode empowers users to work more efficiently and make data-driven decisions.

You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.

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