Import Price Break - Easily Import and Manage Price Breaks

Inventory > Inventory > Price Book > Import Price Break

Import Price Break Overview

The Import Price Break tool in SapphireOne allows users to import and set up price breaks for various conditions in the Price Book. Price breaks can be established based on factors such as client buy price, vendor purchase price, and other configurable options.

This tool enables users to import a tab-delimited text file containing price break data, which will then be processed by SapphireOne to create price book entries. The tool follows specific criteria for reading and interpreting the data in the file, including the use of quantity columns and specific formatting requirements. By utilising the Import Price Break tool, users can efficiently manage and update price breaks in the Price Book.

Import Price Break Procedure

To start creating a Price Book, you must first activate the Price Book Master default. To do this, go to Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults > Inventory. In this section, you will find two options to choose from: Price Book and Price Book 2.

Price Book offers a simplified criteria list, while Price Book 2 provides a more extensive one. By default, the checkbox for selecting the Price Book option is not marked when creating a new inventory item.

When conducting either a Base or Location Inventory Inquiry, one of the Pages it encompasses is the Price Book. By utilising a Base Inventory Inquiry, the Price Book option will be activated in all locations. If the Price Book checkbox is left unselected, none of the Price Book rules will be applied to any location for this inventory.

Below is the displayed Price Book entry for AACUT from Bondi Blue.

Unlike typical gateway imports, the format of this function does not rely on a syntax in column A to identify the source or destination. Instead, its purpose is to process data.

After selecting the Price Book item from the toolbar drop-down menu, the price book list will appear on the screen. At this point, you will find the Import Price Book tool displayed on the Sapphire Tools drop-down menu.

The operation will be conducted based on the following criteria.

  • Type of File – The import spreadsheet must be saved as a tab delimited text file.
  • First Row of Data – The first row of data is ignored. (Headers may be placed on this first row.
    • Blank Cells – Even if all cells are in the first row are not blank, SapphireOne will still not read the first row of data! 
  • Second Row – From the second row of data it will then carry on reading until it finds an empty row. 
  • Quantity Columns – If all of the quantity columns from Cell F to cell S are blank it will ignore the complete row of data and will not create any price book entry for that row.
  • Columns A to E – These columns including column A must have data entered as follows.
    • Column A – This column must have a valid Base Inventory ID. 
    • Column B –This column is for the entry of a Start date.
      • If it is empty SapphireOne will use the computers current date as the Start date. 
    • Column C- This column is for the entry of a Finish date.
      • If it is empty SapphireOne will set the Finish date to be around 10 years after the date that the user imported the file. 
    • Column D – This column is for the entry of a Client ID.
      • If it is empty SapphireOne will set it for all Clients. 
    • Column E – This column is for the Company ID.
      • This should normally be left empty as SapphireOne will enter the Company ID that the user is currently logged into when they are importing it. 
  • Reference Numbers – SapphireOne will also automatically create new price book entries with next reference number in the numbering sequence. 


  • Columns A through to E are documented above. Columns F through to S are documented below and are the qty or quantity cells mentioned above.
  • Each cell from F to S is read as a different price book entry. Entering data/prices into every cell will tell SapphireOne to create 14 individual price break records. Entering data/price into a single cell will tell SapphireOne to create a single price book record. Entering no prices will result in no price book entry.
  • On reading the text file SapphireOne simply checks each cell in the text file from F to S. Each time it finds a price or rate it creates a price new book entry for the current Inventory ID item in the cell of data.

If you enter the value 250 in column O, SapphireOne will generate a price book entry for a volume range of 250 to 499.

When setting up price breaks, it is crucial for the user to exercise caution. All cells from M upwards must be filled with an entry of 100 or higher. SapphireOne interprets the price book literally, so any incorrect setup may lead to odd pricing outcomes.

Cell:  Quantity Breaks:  Cell:  Quantity Breaks: 
F:  0 to 1  M:  100 to 124 
G:  2 to 2  N:  125 to 249 
H:  3 to 4  O:  250 to 499 
I:  5 to 9  P:  500 to 999 
J:  10 to 24  Q:  1000 to 2499 
K:  25 to 49  R:  2500 to 4999 
L:  50 to 99  S:  5000 or more 

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Import (Price Book 2)