Email Trigger - Skyrocket Your Financial Management With SapphireOne

The SapphireOne Email Trigger feature empowers users to automate email dispatch for invoices, statements, payments, and reports. By customising unique Workflow settings, SapphireOne users can efficiently manage Conversions, Postings, and Month-End procedures. Additionally, the Email Trigger functionality enables users to generate Inbuilt PDF Reports and Custom Reports, scheduling them as needed.

Users can specify the precise time for each Email Trigger to be dispatched, offering flexibility by automatically re-sending the email until the relevant deadline is reached.

Usage – Utilities > Controls > Email Trigger

There are three distinct types of Email Triggers, each with unique settings under the “Trigger On” configuration. These include:

  1. Invoice
    • Conversion (Convert Quote Client Invoice (QCI), Order Client Invoice (OCI) to Sales Client Invoice (SCI))
    • Posting (Posting a SCI or JCI)
    • Month End Process (During Month end process)
  2. Statement
    • Month End Process (During Month end process)
  3. Payment
    • Posting (Posting a VP)
    • Month End Process (During Month end process)

The SapphireOne user can configure the trigger time if they require the email to be sent at a specific time of day. For instance, you may set the Email Trigger time for 1:00 pm. SapphireOne offers flexibility by retrying within a 1-hour window. This means that if the email is not sent by 2:00 pm, the deadline will have passed, and the unsent email will be deferred to the next day.

There are three distinct Report Types available. Each of these types enables further configuration of the associated report.

  1. Inbuilt PDF 
    • This uses the inbuilt Plain Paper Report as a PDF attachment
    • The SapphireOne user has the choice between Plain Paper and Landscape Report
  2. Custom Report PDF
    • This allows the choice to use the default Custom Report and attach as a PDF
      • Invoice Type email: Allows a choice between default Invoice-1Invoice-2 and any Custom Report available under the Sales Transaction Inquiry screen.
      • Statement Type email: Allows a choice between default Statement-1 and Statement-2
      • Payment: Allows a choice between default Remittance-1 and Remittance-2
  3. Custom Report HTML
    • This option mirrors the Custom Report PDF selection, but instead of attaching the report as a PDF, it generates the Custom Report as an HTML email body and integrates it into the email content.
    • By using this approach, you can take advantage of specific Custom Report features like hyperlinks or HTML scripting.

In the Email Trigger setup, the Email Content section enables users to input a static Email Subject and Email Body. The CC option allows users to send a carbon copy of the email to the Sales Report associated with the invoice or to the Client Record.

Both Subject and Body allow simple scripting reference to the table information. For example, putting table information within the <%REFERENCE%> syntax will inject the actual data into the test. Another example is you can replace the Email subject “Invoice for customer” to “Invoice No. <%[Invoices]Internal_Ref%> for <%[Clients]Name%>” This will generate Email Subject result “Invoice No. 12345 for Architects Resource”.

Trigger Process

Once the setup is complete, the system adheres to the settings and triggers emails accordingly. When the trigger criteria are met, such as posting an invoice, a background record is generated for the next pending task. The server controller checks the background record and triggers the email at four intervals within an hour: 0, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past each hour.

Triggers without a specific time setting will be activated during the next check. If a particular time, like 09:10, is set, the system has a 1-hour flexibility window for sending the email. Any trigger created before 09:15 with this setting will be sent around 09:15. The final opportunity to post the invoice is approximately 09:59, and the last chance to send out the 09:10 setting is at the 10:00 server process.

Triggers set up with the Month End process will be dispatched during Month End, regardless of time settings, as statements, invoices, and payments need to be processed before the month rolls over.

Technical Information

There are 3 Tables involved in this feature.

  • [EmailTrigger]: Setup for the actual trigger to happen.
  • [EmailTriggerLog]: The record created when the condition has matched the setting, e.g. posting a Sales Client Invoice (SCI).
    • Server then processes every 15 mins to check if the time has matched on the trigger
    • If a specific time is not set on the trigger setting, it will be sent immediately by the server (there might be a 30 seconds delay depending on how busy the controller is).
  • [EmailLog]: The existing Email Log can be viewed under Client, Vendor or Company and it is now linked to EmailTriggerLog record for visibility

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