No ABN Summary - Ensure Compliance with the ATO

 All Vendor Inquiries > No ABN Summary

No ABN Summary Overview

The Sapphire No ABN Summary tool enables the user to produce a summary report of all Vendors within your SapphireOne application who do not have an Australian Business Number (ABN) entered in their master file. An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11 digit number that every registered business in Australia must obtain. An ABN is used for tax purposes in identifying that business to government departments and agencies. It’s also used by other businesses when invoicing and ordering.

The Sapphire No ABN Summary tool provides the user with a clear summary of all Vendors who are missing their ABN information. This is generated and presented in report form. It is then their obligation and a legal requirement to file the report to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Users must inform the ATO of the unregistered business.

This function is used to produce a report of all Vendors who do not have an ABN entered in their master file. For Australia, this report must then be sent to the Tax department. 

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