Batch Export and Folder Import - Split or Merge Documents From / With Your SapphireOne Data File

Workbook > General > Documents > Batch Export and Import

Batch Export and Folder Import Overview

The Batch Export and Import tool has the ability to bulk export and import all documents or files from your live data file to a single merged file. The Sapphire Batch Export and Import tool can be utilised when a SapphireOne user is required to send a copy of their data file to SapphireOne to find accounting problems, adjustments or repairs. The documents and files, when stored as a part of the data file, will make the data file very large so exporting them to a single file will reduce the size of the file to be sent to SapphireOne.

The SapphireOne user is able to use the Sapphire Batch Import tool to upon receiving their updated data file and can import documents and files back into your live data file.

Batch Export & Folder Import Tool Procedure

Before using the Batch Export tool the SapphireOne user is advised to manually back up the data file.

  • Exporting Documents – From Workbook > Documents, SapphireOne will display a list of documents or files that are currently in your data file.
  • Document Selection – From the list of documents, select/highlight the documents that you want to export, then select the Batch Export Tool.
  • File Saving – Your operating platform, Mac OSX or Windows, will display the standard save a file or document alert.
  • File Location – Select the location you intend to save your documents to and then give the export file a name.
  • Saving – Select the Save button and the file will be saved as a tab delineated text file.
  • Deleting Files – Once the procedure is complete, the user may then delete the records exported from within the data file.

Batch Import Tool Procedure

  • Importing Documents – From Workbook > Documents, SapphireOne will the display a list of documents or files that are currently in your data file.
  • Finding a File – Your operating platform, Mac OSX or Windows, will display the standard search for a file or document alert.
  • Selecting File – Select a file that was previously saved.
  • Importing – Once OK is selected, SapphireOne will then re-import all of the documents or files back into your live data file.

From this same document function in Workbook mode, the user will note that there there is also an Import Tool that will allow the user to directly Import documents directly into the data file.

For documentation on this Import function please read the article titled Import.

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