Essential Guide to Updating SapphireOne

SapphireOne is committed to providing regular updates, with new versions frequently released on a weekly basis, to guarantee that our clients benefit from the most recent enhancements. It is essential for users to comprehend how SapphireOne’s version numbers work. This understanding helps them appreciate the significance of each update and adhere to the appropriate procedure when upgrading, which differs depending on whether the update is a major or minor one.

Version Numbering Explained

SapphireOne is built upon the 4D software platform. 4D’s version numbers are composed of two parts, separated by a dot. If the current version is 20.3:

  • The first number (20) indicates the major version, which includes significant updates and new features.
  • The second number (3) indicates updates, typically for new features, enhancements and fixes.

SapphireOne Versioning

SapphireOne’s version numbers follow the 4D version and include two additional sets of numbers, resulting in a format reflecting w.x.y.zz, where:

  • w (20) matches 4D’s major version number.
  • x (3) matches 4D’s minor version number.
  • y (0) is SapphireOne’s release number.
  • zz (22) is SapphireOne’s build number.

For instance, if the current SapphireOne version is derived from 4D v20.3 is SapphireOne v20.3.0.22, this indicates 4D version 20.3 with SapphireOne release 0 and build number 22.

Upgrading SapphireOne Versions for MacOS and Windows

SapphireOne is committed to providing our clients with the latest advancements. To maintain the efficiency and security of your organisation’s operations, it is crucial to keep SapphireOne up to date. This article serves as a detailed guide on how to upgrade any of the six versions of SapphireOne, including SapphireOne Server, SapphireOne Client, and Sapphire Single User, for both MacOS and Windows platforms.

SapphireOne will inform clients via broadcast email when an update is released and will highlight when a major update is available. Updates can be downloaded from the SapphireOne File Station.

Take particular care to note that all files, except for the live data file (typically named CompanyID.4DD), can be replaced during the installation or upgrade process. Regularly back up the live data file to ensure the security and integrity of your organisation’s data.

Upgrading SapphireOne Server (MacOS and Windows)

Upgrading your server to the latest version of the 4D application is important for accessing new features and improving security and efficiency. This guide provides instructions on upgrading SapphireOne on the MacOS or Windows, focusing on two types of upgrades:

  • Major application updates, which are significant version changes with new features and potential database structure changes, and
  • Minor application revisions, which include bug fixes and performance enhancements without major database changes.

The upgrade process requires backing up data and checking the current version of SapphireOne, with specific steps varying by update type and operating system. Follow the relevant instructions for a smooth upgrade. If requested, support is available to assist with the transition.

Minor Revisions

  1. Download the Server Database update from the SapphireOne File Station upgrade directory.
  2. Decompress the application.
  3. Exit the running instance of the SapphireOne Server.
  4. To install the Server Database update do the following:
    • For MacOS, replace the Server Database Folder with the new version. To access the file structure of the Server database application, right-click on its icon and choose ‘Show Package Contents’ from the context menu.
    • For Windows, replace the Server Database Folder, and
  5. Decide whether you will utilise the current database or select a new one.
    • To utilise the current data file – Restart the SapphireOne Server. If the data file has been previously established and its name and location have not been altered, the server will automatically open this file.
    • To select an alternate data file – While double clicking the application icon or its shortcut hold the ‘Alt’ Key down on Windows or the ‘Option’ key on MacOS and select from the available options
  6. Ensure that all client machines are also updated to the latest version to maintain compatibility.

Major Revisions

  1. Download both the major revision and the server database update from the SapphireOne File Station update directory.
  2. Decompress the application.
  3. Exit the running instance of the SapphireOne Server.
  4. To install the application do the following.
    • For MacOS, drag the new SapphireOne Server application to the Applications folder, replacing the old version.
    • For Windows, uninstall the previous version and install the new SapphireOne Server application, ensuring that shortcuts are updated accordingly.
  5. Following the server installation to install the Server Database update do the following:
    • For MacOS, replace the Server Database Folder with the new version. To access the file structure of the Server database application, right-click on its icon and choose ‘Show Package Contents’ from the context menu.
    • For Windows, replace the Server Database directory, and restart the service.
  6. Decide whether you will utilise the current database or select a new one.
    • To utilise the current data file – Restart the SapphireOne Server. If the data file has been previously established and its name and location have not been altered, the server will automatically open this file.
    • To select an alternate data file – While double clicking the application icon or its shortcut hold the ‘Alt’ Key down on Windows or the ‘Option’ key on MacOS and select from the available options.
  7. Ensure that all client machines are also updated to the latest version to maintain compatibility.

To ensure an application on Windows always runs with the required administrative privileges, modify its shortcut properties. Right-click the shortcut, choose ‘Properties,’ go to the ‘Advanced Properties’ tab, and check the ‘Run as Administrator’ box.

On MacOS, please ensure that Full Disk Access is enabled under System Settings > Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access, for the SapphireOne Server to operate correctly.

Upgrading SapphireOne Client (MacOS and Windows)

Minor Revisions

  • Minor revisions can be installed over the existing version without the need to uninstall.
  • Download and run the minor revision installer from the SapphireOne File Station.
  • Alternatively, open your existing SapphireOne client and follow the prompts to update automatically.

Major Revisions

  1. Download the new version of the SapphireOne client from the SapphireOne File Station.
  2. Decompress the application.
  3. To install the application do the following:
    • For MacOS, drag the new SapphireOne Client application to the Applications folder, replacing the old version.
    • For Windows, uninstall the previous version and install the new one, ensuring that shortcuts are updated accordingly.

Upgrading Sapphire Single User (MacOS and Windows)

Minor Revisions

  • Minor revisions are also available for download on the SapphireOne File Station.
  • Install the minor revision directly, without uninstalling the previous version.

Major Revisions

  1. Download the update from the SapphireOne File Station.
  2. Decompress the application.
  3. For both MacOS and Windows, uninstall the current version of Sapphire Single User.
  4. Install the new version, and create a new shortcut if necessary.

In conclusion, upgrading SapphireOne is a straightforward process designed to enhance your organisation’s operational capabilities. By staying current with the latest versions, you ensure that you are utilising the full potential of SapphireOne’s features and security enhancements. Should you require assistance during the upgrade process, our support team is available to provide expert guidance. Remember to monitor your email for notifications on upcoming major updates and visit the SapphireOne File Station for all your upgrade needs.

You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.

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