Sapphire Gateway III - Innovative API for Smart Data Importation

Sapphire Gateway III Overview

The Sapphire Gateway III provides a more efficient method than its predecessor, Sapphire Gateway II. This API allows for the importation of specific items into the data file with enhanced adaptability. Users have the flexibility to enter data columns in any order and can then assign each column to meet the criteria of SapphireOne by interacting with the column headers. It is designed primarily for use with new data files, and as such, its functions are limited to the choices available in the provided drop-down menu. It should be noted that this feature is exclusively for importing data and does not support exporting data. The primary purpose of this tool is to facilitate the import of information into newly established data files.

Never directly import gateway files into an active live data file. First, prepare a recent version of your production data file using the same build as the server, and initiate it in Single User Mode. Conduct a trial import with the intended data and meticulously review the outcome, ensuring particularly that the columns in the import file align correctly with the appropriate fields in your data file replica. After confirming the test import is accurate and everything appears in order, proceed to create a backup of the production (live) data file, and only then carry out the actual import. If discrepancies are detected, identify and rectify the issues in the import file, then re-attempt the import with a new copy of the production data file. Always prioritise testing before importing your data.

The documentation for Sapphire Gateway III is still in progress and has not been completed yet.

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