CRM solutions for the Consumer Products industry

Customer Relationship Management

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a tool for collecting and managing the information and interactions your business has with your customers, sales leads, vendors or other business customers.

It can help you with tracking the success of your marketing activities, identify and follow up on prospective customers, maintain relationships with your clients and vendors.

The SapphireOne CRM application will also help you to group your client types to develop personalised communications, will help you recognise which customers have signed up to your marketing listsand help to understand which customers have responded to your offers and promotions.

Customer Relationship Management

How SapphireOne CRM will benefit your organisation

Customer relationship management may mean keeping track of your clients and vendors to provide personalised service. For example, you may choose to send your client a special offer on their birthday.

Benefits of a CRM can include your ability to develop personalised and targeted marketing activities that have a better chance of creating a sale and identify the optimal time and effective marketing strategy that your clients are likely to respond to. The SapphireOne CRM will also collect and store customer feedback to help you improve and innovate, track client behaviour, interactions and purchases of your products or services. It will also store contact history and remind you to follow up on sales leads to help you find new clients.


Consumer Product

CRM tool

What information is stored in a CRM?

Project management

The information you collect in the SapphireOne CRM will depend on the individual needs of your business and the marketing activities that you undertake. The data you decide to collect will help you build a complete customer profile and may be useful when evaluating the success of direct marketing activities, such as e-newsletters.

Human Resource

Some examples of information data are basic customer details such as name, address, customer details, date of birth and preferred customer method. Client purchase information including when a customer purchased from you, what they bought, the time and value of the purchase if, when and how your client responds to your marketing campaigns or promotions. Feedback information is also valuable including any feedback on your service, or if a client made any complaints or returned their products.

Purchase Order Management

SapphireOne CRM application provides an origin for customer information and workflow automations that help improve efficiency. Inventory management, tracking notes, purchase and sales invoices, vendor management, promotions, electronic data interchange (EDI) integration and more, SapphireOne application CRM will help you manage your business with ease.