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PayPal is a fast, safe way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account. With over 150 million active registered accounts, PayPal helps merchants get paid anywhere they do business. PayPal offers straightforward pricing, there are no account set-up or cancellation fees. Their security monitors transactions for fraud in real time, keeping your business safe and protects your sales with Seller Protection.
Get paid faster from buyers around the world.

Benefits of PayPal Integration


  • Provide your customers with the option to pay in a few easy and secure steps.
  • Email an invoice with a PayPal link so you can be paid directly in minutes.
  • SapphireOne syncs with PayPal to import transactions directly into your Bank Rec for processing.

How it works

It’s quick and easy to start processing payments.


  • Email your customer their online invoice through Sapphire Web Pack.
  • Customer elects to Pay Now with PayPal.
  • Receive payments into your bank account.
  • Invoices are marked as paid and SapphireOne will automatically sync transactions of receipts and fees into your Bank Rec for processing.

Get started with PayPal


  • There are three locations where PayPal details have to be set up, one in Accounts Mode and two in Utilities Mode.
  • Go to the Mode drop down and select Accounts then select the General Ledger drop down menu on the main toolbar.
  • Make certain that a General Ledger account which is also a bank account is created for each and every currency that PayPal is to be used in.
  • Next go back to the Mode drop down and select Utilities.
  • From the Controls menu on the main tool bar, select a Company Inquiry.
  • On the left under Utilities Mode there is a Page drop down so select the Control Accounts Page.
  • Then select the PayPal Map Accounts button. When the pop up is displayed select the button to link the bank General Ledger accounts that you have created in Accounts mode.

  • Close the company inquiry when you are done with the green tick.
  • Then from the main tool bar select the Controls drop down menu.
  • Select the Master Defaults option.
  • On the left under Utilities Mode there is now Page drop down menu.
  • Scroll down and click on API page and in the API page, go down to the PayPal.
  • Paste in your PayPal details. In Payment Sync- nominate the time for SapphireOne to sync (usually overnight), then tick the Box to include payment link on sales invoice.
  • Don’t forget to green tick to close master defaults so as to save that data that you have just entered.