Bondi Blue – Company, Department and Location Structure

Bondi Blue Company, Department and Location Structure Overview

This article documents how the current Bondi Blue demonstration data file is structured with regards to Company, Departments and Locations.

Note that to view all companies at the same time in any data file you will have to be logged in as the master user. In Bondi Blue with the master user has a name of ‘S1’ and the password of ‘S1’. This gives the master user access to all companies, departments and locations at the same time.

A user who logs into any data file as a master user, will not be allowed to enter any financial data, but is allowed to modify any other unrelated items.

Company Inquiry

To view or modify any company in the data file, the master user should navigate to Utilities > Controls > Company. To create a new company within an existing data file the user must be logged in as a master user with administrative privileges. Details at the end of this article.

In the Bondi Blue demonstration data file there are four companies. When a user logs in as a master user, only then will SapphireOne display all of these companies by default at the same time.The companies provided are with their ID followed by their name as follows:
0 Sydney, 1 Melbourne, UK United Kingdom and NZ1 New Zealand.

For example, selecting and opening the Sydney Company will cause SapphireOne to display the first page of a Company Inquiry the Details Page. Halfway down the screen is the Departments area. Any departments attached to the company will be displayed here as seen below for Sydney.

A new Department may be created here by selecting the + Icon Web Pack button to add a new department. Alternatively, double clicking on any of these departments will cause SapphireOne to open a department as seen in the screenshot below allowing normal modifications to be made. The user may also perform the same action as documented immediately below from a Department Inquiry.

From a company inquiry, the master user is able to select each department individually, to view or modify the details as entered. This procedure is the same as when a department inquiry is executed and this is documented next in this article. 

Department Inquiry

The user also has the option of performing a Department Inquiry by going to Utilities > Controls > Department. When logged in as master user, SapphireOne will display all departments in the data file as a list as can be seen in the screenshot below. 

Highlighting and selecting either Look or Modify will display the details for the associated department. Department A Alpha for Sydney is displayed in the screen below. 

In Bondi Blue the Company ID’s are the same as the Department ID’s and also the Location ID’s. However, any ID may be used it does not have to be the same. It is recommended that they are unique but that is up to the individual user. 

Location Inquiry

The user should note that a Locations inquiry will be found in Inventory Mode and not in Utilities mode. To perform a locations Inquiry navigate to Inventory > Inventory > Locations.

From this example we can see we the following location information:
0 = Sydney Location: 1 = Melbourne: A = Bondi Location, C = Commission and LL = London Warehouse. 

Once an Inventory locations record has been selected and opened for viewing or modification, the user is able to view or modify the record as seen below.

A table of the Bondi Blue structure can be seen below.

Company ID & Name  Dept ID and Name  Location ID and Name 
0 Sydney  0 Sydney  0 Sydney 
0 Sydney A Sydney A Bondi Blue Sydney
0 Sydney C Commission
1 Melbourne  1 Melbourne  1 Melbourne 
NZ SapphireOne New Zealand NZ01 New Zealand Office
UK SapphireOne United Kingdom   L1 London Office LL London Warehouse 

Items to Consider for a New Company.

  1. Company Details – Once this new company record is saved for the first time three things cannot be altered as follows.
    • The Company ID, the Starting Month for the Financial Year and the Opening Period. The entry of these is a once only, so check before saving for the first time, as once this new company record is saved they many not be changed.
  2. Foreign Countries – If the Company is in Australia, the taxation details for the tax details for Australia will be needed. If the company is to operate in a foreign country, the tax details will be needed for the foreign country will be needed as well. For example, the tax codes and their rates for both local, and or the foreign country for making Sales and Purchases will also be needed. 
  3. Payroll Implementation – The Tax details relating to Payroll in the country will also be needed and this will then become a very complex matter as payroll details vary greatly from country to country.
  4. Unique ID’s – Since ID’s must be unique across the entire data file some planning of ID’s to be used will be required. A very powerful tool is a A4 sheet of paper. Sketch out your planned company, department and location layout on the A4 sheet. This will allow you to determine the ID’s to be used and there are two when setting up a new company as seen below.
    • Company ID – An ID for the new company but keep it relatively short 4 to 6 characters.
    • Department ID – Please note that your general ledgers for your new company, are set here at the department level.
    • Location ID – Locations are not immediately required, ID’s for locations may be created at a later date.
  5. Users – At least one user must be created who has administrator privileges across all companies. In documentation this user is referred to as a Master user. This type of user may enter and modify any record that is not a financially based record.
    • Master User – This user has both the system admin check box selected and no company ID is entered on the first page of their user access record. (By default the System Admin check box is not select).
    • 2nd master user – Consideration should be given to the creation of a second master user at a later time as a backup for the first user. If for some reason the initial users password is lost or forgotten this second user will be able to log in and reset the initial users password for example.
    • Company Specific User – Using the master log, in a company specific admin user may be created at this time as well. For details go to the article on a User Access record.

Creating an Additional Company

The only way a user can create a new company in an existing data file is to login as a master user as follows.

  1. Utilities Mode – Go to Utilities > Controls > Company and select the Blue + Add Button button on the tool bar. Enter in the details as documented above on the first Page Details.
  2. Company Details Area – All items in this area must be filed in correctly as it is impossible to alter some of these once the new company record has been saved. (See above)
  3. Saving – When complete save this record with the Green tick-Main toolbar, then reopen and check that all the information entered so far is correct.
  4. Company Documentation – Complete documentation for entering all details in a company may be found by navigating to a Company Inquiry.
  5. Logging Out – Once you’ve saved the new company, logout as master and log in to your new company with the company specific login that you’ve created here using the master login.

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