Tariff - Enhance Tariff Management for Imports and Exports

Tariff Inquiry Overview

A tariff is a tax imposed by a government on imports or exports of goods and services. The primary benefit of tariffs is to produce revenue on goods and services brought into the country, as well as for regulation of foreign trade and policy to encourage or protect the domestic industry. By placing fixed or variable tariffs on foreign imports, people are encouraged to develop production and buy local products in order to boost the countries economy. Tariffs can also serve as an opening point for negotiations between countries.

The SapphireOne Tariff Inquiry function in the Inventory Manager Menu allows the user to create the applicable Tariffs for any goods being imported and exported.

The user is required to create the Tariff codes prior to commencing the SapphireOne Importer Inquiry function. If Tariffs are to be used the Importer function will require the use of an existing Tariff number which specifies the GST, VAT or Duty as a percentage. It important to create a non-diminishing item in your Base Inventory as a Tariff Item if you require SapphireOne to automatically generate the incoming GST/DUTY PVI. Further information on this can be found below.

When first opening the Tariff Importer Inquiry screen the Tariffs are initially listed in order of entry with the most recently dated at the top. You can change the sort order by simply clicking on any of the column headings. You can also change the selected column by re-clicking the column heading to change it from ascending to descending, or vice versa.

You can also adjust the order of the columns by clicking on the column and dragging to the left or right. Like other List Windows in SapphireOne, you can re-organise the information displayed by highlighting and using functions from the Options Menu. 

To obtain full details for the Tariff you can Look View by selecting a single line or a group and then selecting the Look View icon. To Modify Modify a Tariff you can double click on the Inventory item or you can click on the Tariff once and select the Modify Modify icon or use the keyboard shortcut. Both screens look the same but only by selecting Modify can you amend the data. To create a new Tariff, click on the New Edit icon.

All inquiry screens in SapphireOne offer the option to customise the list of items displayed on the page. This feature, known as Custom Inquiry, allows you to select the data fields to be shown and the order in which the columns of data appear across the screen. Although a client list is used as an example below, any type of inquiry can be customised within SapphireOne.

The list below represents the standard inquiry list, displaying a basic set of data fields for each client record:

Swap to Custom Inquiry

When you select the ‘Swap to Custom Inquiry’ button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, SapphireOne will display the default Custom Screen, as shown below. This Custom List screen provides the user with two main options for organising the data display:

  1. To add or remove the data field columns displayed on the screen, click the ‘Setup’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Within the Setup screen, you can right-click on the column lines and choose from Delete, Move Left, or Move Right. More information on the Setup screen is provided below.
  2. To change the order in which the data field columns are displayed, click the ‘Setup’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Within the Setup screen, you can right-click on the column lines and choose from Delete, Move Left, or Move Right. More information on the Setup screen is provided below.

Once you have customised the Custom Inquiry screen, the screen view will be unique to you, and each time you log in, you will see the same custom view. You also have the option to select and save an unlimited number of custom views. This can be done in the ‘Setup’ screen, as detailed below.

The Inquiry screen below is the initial Custom Inquiry screen, which can be modified by the user.

Custom Inquiry Screen ‘Setup’ Function

To begin setting up your Customised List screen, click the Setup button, as shown above. The Setup screen will appear, as displayed below.


From this screen, users can add and remove data columns as needed. Almost every field within the SapphireOne data tables can be included in the Custom List screen, provided the user has the necessary authorisation.

The screen features several menu items across the top, which include:

  • Reset to Default – Clicking this button resets the display to the default settings determined by SapphireOne. When you add a new data field, SapphireOne will place it on the right-hand side of the data columns. You can then click on the field heading and drag it to your desired location on the screen.
  • Show Related Record – This option allows you to add related fields from other tables. By ticking the Show Related checkbox at the top of the screen, you can select a related record, and a mini view of that related record for the chosen entry will be displayed for the currently selected record. You will need to select the fields to be displayed.
  • Favourite Set – Located at the top left of the screen, this option enables you to save a custom-created screen for future use. For instance, you can have a simple Inquiry screen for general use and a more complex screen view when auditing specific information.

Tariff Details Page

Tariff Area

  • ID – Enter the Tariff ID. This is the unique Tariff Reference ID to assist with tracking. This can be made up of alpha numeric characters.
  • Name – Enter the chosen Tariff Name.
  • Company – Select the Company the Tariff is linked to. SapphireOne will automatically input the Company that the user is logged into.
  • Tax Code – Enter the applicable Tax Code.
  • Last Update – Enter the date of the last time the Tariff was updated.
  • Duty % – Set the Duty as the % that is to be applied.
  • Minimum – Enter the minimum dollar amount of of the Tariff.

Settings Area

The Settings Area allows you to apply additional rules to the Duty calculation as required.

  • Rules Dropdown Menu – Within SapphireOne you have the ability to set up various rules based on the Tax Jurisdiction. Select the required Rule here.
  • Rounding Dropdown Menu – Here you have the option to round the Tariff to the nearest cent, or down or up to the nearest dollar amount.
  • Formula – Enter any formula that is required here.

Notes Area

Any notes that are required for this class may be entered here. You can select the Green clock icon to add Time and Date stamps to your notes. You can also highlight the text in the Notes area and right mouse click to customise the Font, Style, Colour and Background Colour to your preference.

SapphireOne Importer Function

SapphireOne’s Importer Inquiry function in the Inventory Manager menu is the single repository for all Importer information. This includes tracking details, container information, costing, shipping details and any recorded transactions associated with the import process. The user has the power to manage the various functionalities and processes associated with importing goods, including applying all necessary Tariffs.

The user will be required to create the Tariff codes prior to creating an Importer. If Tariffs are to be used the Importer function will require the use of an existing Tariff number which specifies the GST, VAT or Duty as a percentage.

Please note that it is important to create a non-diminishing item in your Base Inventory as a Tariff Item if you require SapphireOne to automatically generate the incoming GST/VAT/DUTY Purchase Vendor Invoice (PVI). This can be created within the Inventory Inquiry function within SapphireOne Inventory Mode. The Inventory item must be created with the Class = DUTY, Type = Non-Diminishing, Tax Code = Z and the Use Checkbox selected.

Within the Transaction Line Entry area on the Purchase Vendor Invoice SapphireOne will look in your Base Inventory for an item with the exact same name as the Tariff and create the line for the matching Inventory ID. SapphireOne will then use the percentage figure in the Tariff to calculate a dollar amount for the line based on the total value of any items in the importer record that has a class set as Product.

To display the additional Importer Line on Purchase transactions, the Purchase On Cost check-box needs to be selected in the Invoice Settings Screen of Master Defaults in Utilities Mode. This can be found in Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults > Invoices. This will then allow the entry of duty information and other on-cost data in the Purchase Transaction Screens. 

Actions Page

Action Page Overview

The Action Page is a versatile tool that can be added to major records and transaction tables. It includes various actionable items such as Calendar Reminders, Meeting Invites, Alarms, Emails, To-Do Lists, General Notes, Private Notes, Meeting Notes with Date and Time, Start and Finish stamps, as well as All Day Notifications. This provides users with a centralised location to manage and organise their tasks, meetings, and notes, improving efficiency and productivity.

The Action Page allows users to use the add or delete buttons to add or delete actions as required. Simply select the relevant button to add or delete an action.

Diary Area

The Diary Area in SapphireOne provides users with a comprehensive range of options to customise their actions. It includes a sequence number, title, type, action, user, privacy settings, status, tag, and link fields.

  • Sequence – SapphireOne automatically generates a unique sequence number for each action.
  • Title – Enter a title for the action.
  • Type – Choose from the customisable drop-down menu to input a type. This will subsequently become a permanent type within the drop-down.
  • Action – Utilise the user-customisable drop-down menu to input an Action. This will then become a permanent action within the drop-down.
  • User – SapphireOne automatically inputs the user creating this action, though it can be modified if necessary.
  • Private – If this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will only permit the specified user to view or modify this action.
  • Status – The user has three options: Open, Hold, and Completed.
    • Open – Action is open and active.
    • Hold – Action is active, but no alarms will be active.
    • Completed – Action is now Inactive and won’t be displayed in any list of actions.
  • Tag – Users may attach a tag to an action, which will create a permanent tag within the drop-down. To add a new tag, type the name of the new tag into the tag box and press the tab key. Select “Yes” from the pop-up window to confirm. To remove a tag from the list, click on the tag name while holding down the Command (MacOS) or Control (Windows) key. Select “Yes” from the pop-up window to confirm the deletion.
  • Link – When created within a transaction or record, SapphireOne automatically generates a link to the transaction or record. When created from the Options Menu, Palette, or Workbook, users must select an item or function from the drop-down menu to link the action. There are 12 items on this list, ranging from Clients to Manager.

Check List Area

SapphireOne offers a user-friendly checklist tool to create and track actions, allowing users to check off completed items as they progress.

Dates and Times Area

  • Start/Finish – Set a Start and Finish time for the action, or select the checkbox for an all-day option.
  • Completed – Entering a completion date for an action deactivates it, and it will no longer appear in action lists.

Alarm Area

Never forget a task again – set up alarms to send reminders via email at specific dates and times. Users can also receive email notifications with the provided email address.

Recurring Area

If necessary, the alarm can be set to recur at intervals selected from the Type drop-down menu. Additionally, the recurring period can be defined by date.

Notes Area

Click the green clock button to add time and date stamps to your notes. You can also customise the font, style, color, and background color of the text in the Notes area by highlighting it and right-clicking.

Invite Attendees Area

In the event module, you can invite multiple attendees to your event and track their acceptance or rejection of the invitation. You can also send them an email notification if their email addresses are provided. Additionally, you can manage and track attendees’ RSVP status in real-time.

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