August 3, 2011

Post Transactions – Receivables

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Tutorials – A how to guide a Post Transactions – Receivables


Post transactions – Receivables is for the sole purpose of locking the record to prevent further modification. Once a user posts the record, it is date and time stamped with the user’s detail.

We post the transaction by selecting the Posting screens which are located in the third area of the Receivables, Payables and General Ledger menus. The Post Transactions screen presents a window which contains all current transactions awaiting posting listed in date order. Activities here will carry the transactions through to the General Ledger updating the balances in all accounts concerned.

From the posting screen we are presented with a range of columns, these are ID, Date in, Date Due, Type, Period, Internal Reference, External Reference, Sequence number, Total and Tag. We can sort any of the columns by simply clicking on the column header. These are transactions that have the Status code of Ent for correctly entered and thus ready for posting. A status code of Yes means that the transaction receivables has successfully been posted and will no longer be viewed in the posting screen.

Alternatively, we can post the transaction directly from the transaction inquiry screen by selecting the record individually or subsetting group of records and selecting Post Transactions receivables from the Tools menu dropdown.

If there is a transaction where it has a mandatory requirement, as an example that each sub-ledger general line be linked to a Job Project and one of the lines is missing a project code, the transaction will be flagged with an error code notifying the user they must update the transaction accordingly.

If a transaction requires a workflow approval, the transaction will be flagged with the error code WF indicating workflow authorisation is required.

Post Transactions receivables screen presents a window which contains all current transactions awaiting posting listed in date order

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